john+emily = Johmily

Six Months Old

Published by John under on 8:19 PM
Fear not, my loyal fans, I have returned! It has been a very busy week, so I am ready to tell you all about it. Obviously the biggest news of all - I am now six months old! Wednesday was the big day, but we didn't have a big celebration, we just went to Bible Class like we usually do, but that was enough for me! Besides that, I've actually been feeling a little icky this week. Mommy and Daddy thought I might be getting another cold. I felt bad for a couple of days and must admit that I was a little grumpy at times. Thursday night, Daddy decided to check the situation out, and sure enough, I was starting to get another tooth!! My brand new tooth is on the top, but it isn't in the front, its right next to where the front teeth will go. This makes three teeth for me now!

Friday I visited the doctor for my six month checkup. He seemed to think that I am doing great! I got three shots and a funny tasting drink while I was there. My measurements are as follows: 16.9 pounds (60th percentile), 26 1/4" long (70th percentile), and 17 1/2" head circumference (94th percentile). Even though I had to go to the doctor, I really enjoyed Friday because Grandma Lynn and Great Grandma Sue came to visit me.

Saturday was a lot of fun! Mommy and Daddy took me to a studio and several people made faces at me to try to make me smile for the camera. I even got to take pictures with Mommy and Daddy. After we got our pictures, we spent the rest of the day running errands.

Saturday night, Mommy decided it was time for me to try something new. I had rice cereal for the first time. I'm not really sure if I like it or not, but I enjoyed trying it. I hope you enjoy the video of me making a mess with the cereal.

Well, it is past my bedtime, but I hope you all have enjoyed getting caught up on what is going on in my life. Love you all,

My new friend Derek

Published by John under on 7:12 PM
I couldn't wait any longer to tell you about my day yesterday! I went to Tulsa, just me and Mommy--we had a girls trip! We made a special trip to go see my Mommy's cousin's baby (my second cousin). He was born February 13th and we wanted to visit him in the hospital. It was lots of fun. I know we are going to be friends! He is kinda small right now, but soon he will be big enough to play with me!

The last part of my day was spent back at home with Grandma Judy and Grandpa Fred. Mommy and Daddy went out on a date and Grandma and Grandpa came over to play with me. I enjoyed my bedtime routine with them, including playing in my ducky bath tub and reading books with Grandma and Grandpa. This was my first time to go to sleep without Mommy and Daddy and I think I did a pretty good job!

I have been practicing sitting up by myself. Usually I do pretty well, but sometimes i start to fall over and Mommy has to catch me. This afternoon I played for awhile all by myself with my toys and I didn't fall over a single time!

Well, its almost bath time, so I will talk to you all later!

Raspberries and Peekaboo

Published by John under on 8:27 PM
I wanted to tell you about my new games! Yes, I'm old enough to play games with Mommy and Daddy and we have so much fun! I have learned how to spit with my tongue out (raspberries). I have also learned how to play peekaboo by holding the burp rag over my eyes and letting Mommy say, "Where's Esther???" then I yank it down real fast and smile real big as she says,"There she is!!!" It's sooo fun. Maybe I can play with each of you some day, too!

Mommy and Daddy now have me on a good schedule. I start getting ready for bed at 7:45 or so and I am usually in bed by 8:30. After getting over my last cold, I am now once again sleeping all the way through the night. I usually wake up in time to see Daddy before he leaves for work in the morning.

One last piece of information - I am now the proud owner of TWO teeth! Thats right, I now have another tooth parked right next to the first one, so watch out when you stick those fingers near my mouth!

Well, it is PAST my bedtime, so I will have to go for now.

Until then,


