john+emily = Johmily

2 Months!

Published by John under on 11:54 PM
Today I am two months old. Its hard to believe that only two months ago, I made my entrance into the world. I am celebrating my birthday with my first major trip out of town. This weekend, I have gone with Mommy and Grandma Lyn to Abilene to see Uncle Jace & Aunt Randy! It is so nice to see my family!

On Thursday, Mommy & Daddy took me to a pumpkin patch to take pictures! It was fun, but the wind was kind of cold! Luckily, everyone was happy to hold me so that I wouldn't get too cold.

I continue to get bigger all the time. In a little over a week, I am going to go to the doctor so that we can see exactly how big I have gotten. I am also going to get shots - I'm not sure what that means, but I'm sure that I'll enjoy them...right? Well, I better go for now. I am going to leave you with a few pictures, including one that was taken two months ago, so you can see how big I have gotten.


New Family

Published by John under on 9:35 PM
Hello Everybody!

It has been a busy time since I last blogged. First of all, I visited Mommy and Daddy's Tae Kwon Do class with them. Their friends at class were very glad to see me. Also, last week, Mommy was very curious about how much I weighed, so she took me to the doctor's office. The last time I was weighed, I was 7 pounds 14 ounces (on August 30th); this time, I was 10 pounds 15 ounces! I have been gaining almost an ounce a day since I was born.

I have also begun to watch my toys when they are hanging in front of me, or when someone moves them in front of me. I love all my toys and all of the people who were so nice to give them to me!

The biggest news of all this week is that I learned that I will be getting a cousin in a few months that is a girl, just like me! I also learned that my Mommy's cousin is going to have a baby that is a boy! I am going to have so much fun when they get here - there are so many responsibilities in being the "oldest cousin".

Well, I am going to go for now, but hopefully I will have some new pictures for you next time.

Until then,

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Published by John under on 8:53 PM
I want to apologize to all my faithful readers for not keeping my blog up-to-date! I haven't just been laying around though (ok, well, I have been laying around, but what do you expect a six week old baby to do?). A couple of weekends ago, I took my first long trip in the car. We went to Tulsa for Uncle Jeff's birthday! I also got to meet several more people from my family that day for the first time. I enjoyed my time there very much, especially since so many people want to hold me.

Last week, I went with Mommy to visit the place she used to work. It was a really special day - Mommy put shoes on me for the first time and I didn't fuss one bit! After visiting Mommy's friends, we went to go visit Daddy at work.

Mommy and Daddy seem impressed that I do something new almost every day. I am still sleeping five hours in a row at night. I also like to smile more and more everyday. Sometimes, when Mommy puts me in my swing, I like to lay there and make noises, just to hear myself!

Well, I better go for now, but I wanted to be sure and wish my Grandma Lyn a happy birthday! I will leave you with a picture that we took in Tulsa of me, Mommy, Grandma Lyn, and Grandma Sue, along with a few other recent pictures.

Until next time,


