john+emily = Johmily

Summer Fun

Published by John under on 10:44 PM
As I mentioned in my last short post, things are busy around here! Most recently I have been on a vacation to both the lake (twice) and Tulsa. Last weekend we had a visit from Uncle Jace and Aunt Randy. Uncle Jace helped Mommy paint cabinets in the kitchen while Aunt Randy kept me busy (or was it me keeping her busy?). In any case, I think I wore her out good!

I am continuing to say more and more words. I say a few phrases and like to sing songs upon request (as long as it is Mommy or Daddy doing the requesting). My favorite song to sing on my own is Twinkle,Twinkle/ABC's, which may as well be the same song since they are in the same tune, right?

In a little over two months I will turn TWO YEARS OLD! Can you believe it? I can, and if you ask my my age, I say "TWO" (and I've been saying that for several months).

Starting this week, Mommy started teaching and I started attending Mother's Day Out for the Summer. I enjoy getting to spend times with other kids and the teachers always write nice notes about me.

Well, I better go for now, I hope you enjoy these pictures and the video!

This is a nice picture, and yes, those are my shorts on my head:

Lounging at the lake with (Great) Uncle Harold:

Here is a kind of long video of me changing my baby's diaper, I hope you enjoy it!

Old Timey Again

Published by John under on 9:42 PM

I had this video ready long ago, but life is busy! Here it is to tide you all over until I add more updates soon - me and my friend Jordyn playing dressup:


